Posted by : Septika Soohyun Senin, 31 Maret 2014

1. Give description on how to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion.
The way to write paragraph with adequate and inadequate cohesion, you should concern the component below :
a.      Relevance
A simple way to build cohesion or flow between sentences is to look at the meaning of a sentence and compare it to the point of the next sentence. They should be related yet not the same. If the two sentences are not closely related, you will lose the readers‟ attention, because they will have to guess where you are going. If the two sentences are identical, you are not adding any new information to your work, and the reader will be annoyed.

b.      Order
Every paragraph should have a main idea (typically stated in a topic sentence). To maintain cohesion, all sentences within a paragraph should relate to this main idea. Common ways to order sentences :
•Cause and Effect
•Clarification (first sentence is broad, general statement, and the following sentences explain it with details)

c.       Linking/Transition words
Transition words can help a paragraph flow more smoothly.
The following two sentences are far apart, in fact, opposites in content and unconnected in time.
d.      Repetition of key words
Repeating key terms related to the main idea of the paragraph makes an invisible rope for readers to follow – a few hand holds. However, do not repeat words for the sake of repetition; the reader needs to occasionally be reminded of your focus, not beaten over the head with unnecessary repetitions.

           2.  Tell more about cohesion.
Cohesion is  a very important aspect of academic writing, because it immediately affects the tone of your writing. Although some instructors may say that you will not lose points because of grammatical errors in your paper, you may lose points if the tone of your writing is sloppy or too casual (a diary-type of writing or choppy sentences will make the tone of your writing too casual for academic writing). But cohesive writing does not mean just “grammatically correct” sentences; cohesive writing refers to the connection of your ideas both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level. Readers must feel that they move easily from one sentence to the next , that each “coheres” with the one before and after.

3. Write more about the difference between coherence and cohesion.

Coherence means the connection of ideas at the idea level, and cohesion means the connection of ideas at the sentence level. Basically, coherence refers to the “rhetorical” aspects of your writing, which include developing and supporting your argument (e.g. thesis statement development), synthesizing and integrating readings, organizing and clarifying ideas.
The cohesion of writing focuses on the “grammatical” aspects of writing.

4. Show which text or sentence that shows adequate or inadequate cohesion on your paragraph by underlining or putting in the table. 


                       I will describe about myself, everything that realted about me. I write this paragraph to share other people. I just want inform to other people, in order to they know about me. This paragraph describe about me in general, tell about my appearence and my hobby. So, read this one carefully.

My name is Septika Ariyanti, I am 19th years old, I was born in Metro city on September, 16th 1994 because I was born on September , therefore my parents give me the name “Septika” and then my father’s name is Hariyanto, so my last name is “ Ariyanti” it is almost same as my father’s name. I ask to my friends to call me “Ceppy”. Now, I  am university student on Muhammadiyah University especially on english department and I am in 4th semester.
My origin is from Central Java and my religion is Islam, because my parent’s come from Central Java. Although I am Javanese,I live at Metro city, especially on Madura street No.85 22 Hadimulyo Barat. I live with parents, my young sister and also with my grandparents.
Physically, I have light brown skin, and my eyes colour are black. I always wear glasses, I have been wearing glasses for 8 years. My hair is short, but I always use veil. My blood type is B. I have height about 163 cm, and my weight around 45 kg. As a woman, I am tall enough. On the other hand, My body is not ideal because my weight just 45 kg, many people say to me to increase my weight. I think it is difficult to increase my weight because I don’t like vegetables and milk.
My hobby is reading, because it can increase my knowledge. I also like listening to the music. I prefer Korean music to Indonesian music because it is unique.Moreover, I like Korean music when I was in Junior High School. My favourit song is the song which is sung by Kim Taeyeon, Lee Donghae, and BEAST. Although I am English student, I like everything which related about Korea. Sometimes, I reading book to fulfil my free time, Not only educational book which is read by me, but also non-educational book such as novel, religion book, or knowledge book. Besides, I more spend my time just listening music and memorize the song lyric.
All of those about me, although my name is Septika Ariyanti most of my friends call me “Ceppy” it is shorter and easier than they have to call “ Septika”. As a student in Teacher Training and Education Faculty especially in English department, I have studied hard ,pray to Allah SWT, doing what I can do, and always improve myself to better person in the future. I think that is the best thing of me.

           Note : The underline words is the cohesion sentences.

        5. You should explain why your text or sentence that you underline is categorized into cohesion.

The sentence that shows cohesion
I write this paragraph to share other people. I just want inform to other people, in order to they know about me.
That sentences shows the cohesion because one sentence to other sentence is relevance. The relevant has been proven by the second sentence which the supporting sentence of the first sentence.
I was born in Metro city on September, 16th 1994 because I was born on September , therefore my parents give me the name “Septika” and then my father’s name is Hariyanto, so my last name is “ Ariyanti” it is almost same as my father’s name.
That sentences shows the cohesion because there are some transition words such as “because”  and “therefore” that make one sentence to other sentence clearer. Because one of cohessive device is transition words
Now, I  am university student on Muhammadiyah University especially on english department and I am in 4th semester.
That sentence shows the cohesion because there is a transition word namely “especially”  that explain the emphasis of my course on Muhammadiyah university
Although I am Javanese,I live at Metro city, especially on Madura street No.85 22 Hadimulyo Barat.
That sentence shows the cohesion because there is transition word like “although”  that explain the contradiction between my origin from javanese and my adress on Metro city, Lampung
Physically, I have light brown skin, and my eyes colour are black. I always wear glasses, I have been wearing glasses for 8 years. My hair is short, but I always use veil.
That sentences shows the cohesion because it has proven the relevance that explain about me physically.
I have height about 163 cm, and my weight around 45 kg. As a woman, I am tall enough. On the other hand, My body is not ideal because my weight just 45 kg
That sentences shows the cohesion because there is a linking words “On the other hand” that explain the contradiction between my height and my weight which not ideal.
I prefer Korean music to Indonesian music because it is unique. Moreover, I like Korean music when I was in Junior High School
That sentences shows the cohesion because one of component that show the cohesion is repetiton of key words. On that sentence there is a repetiton wordsKorean Music” and also there is a transition word like “moreover” which explain about my like on Korean music.
Although I am English student, I like everything which related about Korea and I have some Korean books.
That sentence shows the cohesion because there is a transition word that is “although” which explain the contradiction between English as my study program and Korean as my like.
I reading book to fulfil my free time, Not only educational book which is read by me, but also non-educational book such as novel, religion book, or knowledge book. Besides, I more spend my time just listening music and memorize the song lyric.

That sentences shows the cohesion because there are some linking words like “not only.....but also”  that explain additional information about the book which is read by me, and also “besides”  which form of additional information that explain about my activities another reading book that is listening music.
All of those about me, although my name is Septika Ariyanti most of my friends call me “Ceppy” it is shorter and easier than they have to call “ Septika”. As a student in Teacher Training and Education Faculty especially in English department, I have studied hard ,pray to Allah SWT, doing what I can do, and always improve myself to better person in the future. I think that is the best thing of me.
That sentences shows the cohesion because it has proven the relevance which is form the summary of paragraph.

Okay guys, that’s all about adequate and inadequate cohesion in paragraph and also the example of cohesion paragraph.
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